Best Patterns for Summer Salmon Flies

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Here are some of the best patterns for summer salmon flies, known for their effectiveness and popularity among anglers:

Best Patterns for Summer Salmon Flies

Best Patterns for Summer Salmon Flies

Green Highlander

The Green Highlander is a classic salmon fly pattern known for its vibrant colors and attractive silhouette. It features a green body, golden ribbing, and wing composed of a combination of yellow, red, and black feathers. This pattern works well in clear summer waters.

Ally’s Shrimp

Ally’s Shrimp is a versatile and highly effective summer salmon fly. It typically features a bright orange body, silver ribbing, and a wing of black and orange bucktail or hair. This pattern is known for its ability to provoke aggressive strikes from salmon in various conditions.

Stoat’s Tail

Stoat’s Tail is a simple yet effective summer salmon fly pattern. It consists of a slender body of black or dark blue fur or tinsel, ribbed with silver or gold wire, and a wing made from stoat tail fur or arctic fox hair. This pattern imitates small fish or shrimp, making it a favorite for summer fishing.


The Cascade is another popular summer salmon fly pattern, known for its elegant and lively appearance. It features a bright orange body, silver ribbing, and a wing made of white or silver fox hair, often with strands of silver or pearl flash added for extra attraction. This pattern works well in varying water conditions.

Sunray Shadow

The Sunray Shadow is a minimalist summer salmon fly pattern that has gained popularity for its simplicity and effectiveness. It typically consists of a sparse body of black deer hair or similar material, a silver rib, and a wing of white deer hair or fox fur. This pattern creates a silhouette that mimics small baitfish or insects on the water’s surface.

Red Francis

The Red Francis is a vibrant and productive summer salmon fly pattern. It features a red or orange body, silver ribbing, and a wing made from red or orange fox hair or feathers. This pattern is particularly effective in clear and slightly colored water conditions.

Blue Charm

The Blue Charm is a traditional summer salmon fly pattern that remains popular for its simplicity and effectiveness. It typically features a blue body, silver ribbing, and a wing made of teal, mallard, or similar feathers. This pattern is versatile and can be effective in a range of water conditions.

Garry Dog

The Garry Dog is a classic summer salmon fly known for its dark and elegant appearance. It typically consists of a black or dark blue body, silver ribbing, and a wing made from squirrel tail or similar dark fur. This pattern works well in slightly colored water and low-light conditions.

Thunder and Lightning

The Thunder and Lightning is a timeless summer salmon fly pattern that has been in use for generations. It features a body of black floss or tinsel, ribbed with silver wire, and a wing of white-tipped turkey tail or goose wing feathers. This pattern is effective in a variety of water conditions and light levels.

Green Butt Skunk

The Green Butt Skunk is a lively and productive summer salmon fly pattern. It typically features a body of black or dark blue chenille, ribbed with silver tinsel, and a wing of black bucktail or hair, with a distinctive green butt at the rear. This pattern attracts salmon with its combination of dark colors and a splash of green.

These patterns represent a mix of traditional favorites and modern variations that are well-suited for summer salmon fishing. Experimenting with different patterns and sizes can help you find what works best in your local waters and conditions.

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